The Steel Woods, the renowned Southern rock band, have captivated audiences with their powerful sound and heartfelt lyrics over their past three albums. With their fourth album, On Your Own Time, they embark on a poignant and emotional journey loosely following the trajectory of Uncle Lloyd, a charming but dissolute character first introduced on the Woods' debut album, 2017’s Straw in the Wind. This ambitious album not only showcases their musical evolution and episodic storytelling abilities but also serves as a tribute to the vision and legacy of their late co-founder, Jason "Rowdy" Cope, who passed away just before the release of their third album, All of Your Stones. Led by Wes Bayliss, the band's guitarist, lead vocalist and co-founder, The Steel Woods have poured their heart and soul into this album, creating a record that reflects their resilience, growth, and unwavering spirit.

The Steel Woods, the renowned Southern rock band, have captivated audiences with their powerful sound and heartfelt lyrics over their past three albums. With their fourth album, On Your Own Time, they embark on a poignant and emotional journey loosely following the trajectory of Uncle Lloyd, a charming but dissolute character first introduced on the Woods' debut album, 2017’s Straw in the Wind. This ambitious album not only showcases their musical evolution and episodic storytelling abilities but also serves as a tribute to the vision and legacy of their late co-founder, Jason "Rowdy" Cope, who passed away just before the release of their third album, All of Your Stones. Led by Wes Bayliss, the band's guitarist, lead vocalist and co-founder, The Steel Woods have poured their heart and soul into this album, creating a record that reflects their resilience, growth, and unwavering spirit.

The Steel Woods - On Your Time


Format: CD
Label: Woods Music
Rel. Date: 10/06/2023
UPC: 691835755229

On Your Time
Artist: The Steel Woods
Format: CD
New: Not in stock

Formats and Editions


1. The Man from Everywhere
2. Cut the Grass
3. Devil in this Holler
4. Famine Fortune
5. On Your Time
6. You Don’t Even Know Who I Am
7. Border Lord
8. Stories to Tell Myself
9. Broken Down Dam
10. If Not For the Rain

More Info:

The Steel Woods, the renowned Southern rock band, have captivated audiences with their powerful sound and heartfelt lyrics over their past three albums. With their fourth album, On Your Own Time, they embark on a poignant and emotional journey loosely following the trajectory of Uncle Lloyd, a charming but dissolute character first introduced on the Woods' debut album, 2017’s Straw in the Wind. This ambitious album not only showcases their musical evolution and episodic storytelling abilities but also serves as a tribute to the vision and legacy of their late co-founder, Jason "Rowdy" Cope, who passed away just before the release of their third album, All of Your Stones. Led by Wes Bayliss, the band's guitarist, lead vocalist and co-founder, The Steel Woods have poured their heart and soul into this album, creating a record that reflects their resilience, growth, and unwavering spirit.

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